Wednesday, January 18, 2006


no no. i´m not talking about the show (although i´m not lying when i say that i was hoping my plane would crash on the same island as dr. jack shepherd). i´m talking about how i have spent my last two days. yesterday i decided to attempt the same mountain that i was unable to complete a few days ago due to the rain. i took a very direct trail to the top and have a few pictures i´ll post later. on the way down i felt like taking a different route. unfortunately, i found myself somewhat lost and what i figured was going to take around an hour and a half ended up taking around 3 and half. i managed to come away from the event sans blisters on my feet but my new york winter white skin did not fair as well and i´m currently sporting a new hue of red. it was bound to happen sometime this trip. so it goes. it was a lovely hike nonetheless.
my second lost adventure took place today. i thought i was jumping on a bus that headed back to my neighborhood. i was very very wrong. what was supposed to be a 15 minute ride ended up being about a 2 hour ride. needless to say, i saw many interesting parts of bariloche. i´m currently living in the high-rent district and this bus ride definitely took me through the low-rent district. i ended up riding the bus to the end of its route and was the last one in the bus at which point i explained to the driver that i was very very lost. we had a good laugh and he pointed me in the right direction. he told me to think of it as a cheap tour of bariloche. fair enough.

other than getting lost, my days are filled with one-on-one spanish classes in the afternoon. i´m hoping this whole spanish thing will click soon because the only person i can speak english to is myself and my jokes are getting dreadfully boring.


Blogger Annie Nyborg said...

yes mei! learn the bongos!! wait, i want to be the bongo player.

5:16 AM  

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