Tuesday, January 31, 2006

cool dude

i thought that it was about time my abuelita learned a little english so i started giving her a word of the day. two days ago i taught her "cool". yesterday i taught her "dude". and the rest of this week we are working on the appropriate uses of "cool dude". we end dinner now with "cool dude, chau". by the time i´m finished with her, she´ll be the hippest granny in town.

in a couple days i´m headed to the farm a few hours south in el bolson. they make their own bread and jam and beer and wine and everything! i´m stoked to get started with that. when i mention to folks that i´m headed to el bolson they´re like "oh! heepee!" ie it´s apparently a bit of a hippie town. my guide book likens it to berkeley but by the sound bites i´ve been receiving, it´s like berkeley from the ´60s. groovy. gonna be a trip.


Blogger Annie Nyborg said...

sweeet! mei, i knew i just should have left it all up to you my savvy business diva. also, i have the homegirls business card in my wallet and show it off to anyone who will listen like you´re my kids.
i miss you BIG time. BBBIIIIGGG time.

6:58 AM  

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