Thursday, March 30, 2006

like, bummer dude

i took some sweet pics from our week in santiago but unfortunately a couple days ago our room got robbed. mac and liv lost some money, i lost my ipod and my digital camera. ouch. big time ouch. fortunately i had uploaded a lot of pics so most were saved but our time in santiago, not so lucky.

quick recap:
so we left pucon for santiago. while we were camping in pucon we met two kids who were also camping up there named matt and kimmy. we said our farewells to matt and kimmy and headed out of the mountains, jumped on a bus, and arrived in santiago. a couple days later, olivia and i were in the metro and the train pulled up and the doors opened and who was standing there? matt. he and kimmy had gotten lost on the hike back, he missed his flight out of santiago, and now he had a week to kill before heading to the states. it was a crazy run in. we asked him where he was going and he said that he didn´t know and was just planning on riding the train to the end and walking into the mountains to camp...funny, seeing as the metro ends in the middle of massive city. we invited him to join us for a few days so he did.

santiago was awesome. that city doesn´t get enough credit. it´s awesome. we ate lots of avocados, did some serious shopping, visited valparaiso, toured though one of pablo neruda´s three houses (also, another strange thing, matt´s great grandfather was one of neruda´s close friends and there was a pic of him in the house!), went to a manu chao concert (good show, horrible sound quality), and best of all hung out with my old host family. my chilean family cooked us a big asada our last night in town. just love them so much.


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